Master Node RPC Guide

A detailed guide for Masternode RPC endpoints

JSON 2.0 RPC Calls


Get the quorum state which is the list of public keys of the nodes who are voting, and the list of public keys of the nodes who are being tested.

Testnet Example

    curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_quorum_state", "params": {"height": 200}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


      "id": "0",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {


        "status": "OK",
        "untrusted": false

Nodes have been omitted with “...” for brevity in nodes_to_test and quorum_nodes.


  • Int height

The height to query the quorum state for


  • String[] nodes_to_test

An array of public keys identifying service nodes which are being tested for the queried height.

  • String[] quorum_state

An array of public keys identifying service nodes which are responsible for voting on the queried height.


Get the required amount of Beldex to become a Master Node at the queried height. For stagenet and testnet values, ensure the daemon is started with the --stagenet or --testnet flags respectively.

Testnet Example

    curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_staking_requirement", "params": {“height”: 111111}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  


      "id": "0",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "staking_requirement": 100000000000,
        "status": "OK"


  • Int height

The height to query the staking requirement for


  • Uint64 staking_requirement

The staking requirement in Beldex atomic units for the queried height


Get the master node public key of the queried daemon. The daemon must be started in --maste-node mode otherwise this RPC command will fail.

Testnet Example

    curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_master_node_key"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  


      "id": "0",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "master_node_pubkey": "8d56c1fa0304884e612ee2efe763b2c50991a66329418fd084a3f23c75399f34",
        "status": "OK"


  • N/A


  • String master_node_pubkey

The public key identifying the queried master node


Get the metadata currently associated with the queried master node public keys such as, registration height and contributors, etc. If no public key is specified, this returns all the metadata for every service node the queried daemon currently knows about.

Testnet Example

    curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_master_nodes", “params”: {“master_node_pubkeys”: []}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


      "id": "0",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "master_node_states": [{
          "contributors": [{
            "address":    "86kZfTEf5JGw2SgLrGuxRNFxRTf51fvbbcCYW949RsKjX75JMA1B1d8CT4VbwfGR8uf3f3AJSTaBHGpN3QRG2N2LyiksWVg",
            "amount": 100000000000,
            "reserved": 100000000000
          "last_reward_block_height": 2968,
          "last_reward_transaction_index": 4294967295,
          "last_uptime_proof": 0,
          "operator_address": "86kZfTEf5JGw2SgLrGuxRNFxRTf51fvbbcCYW949RsKjX75JMA1B1d8CT4VbwfGR8uf3f3AJSTaBHGpN3QRG2N2LyiksWVg",
          "portions_for_operator": 18446744073709551612,
          "registration_height": 1860,
          "master_node_pubkey": "3afa36a4855a429f5eac1b2f8e7e77657a2e862999ab4d59e473826f9b15f2da",
          "staking_requirement": 100000000000,
          "total_contributed": 100000000000,
          "total_reserved": 100000000000
        "status": "OK"


  • String[] master_node_pubkeys

An array of master node public keys in strings that you wish to query metadata for. If an empty array is given, this RPC command returns all master nodes it knows about.


  • Entry[] master_node_states

The array of metadata for the queried master node(s)

  • String master_node_pubkey

The queried master node’s identifying public key

  • Uint64 registration_height

The height at which the registration transaction arrived on the blockchain

  • Uint64 last_reward_block_height

The last block height this master node received a reward. Rewards are sent to service nodes whom have been waiting longest since their last reward and are then sent to the back of the queue.

  • Uint64 last_reward_transaction_index

The position in the queue to receive a reward for the master nodes grouped in the last_reward_block_height.

  • Uint64 last_uptime_proof

Unix epoch timestamp of the last time this daemon has received a ping from the queried master node.

  • Contribution[] contributors

An array consisting of all the addresses that have contributed to the queried master node.

  • Uint64 Contribution.amount

The amount of Beldex in atomic units the contributor has staked.

  • Uint64 Contribution.reserved

The amount of Beldex in atomic units the contributor has reserved and must fulfill to completely contribute their part to the service node. Amount is equal to reserved once the contributor has fully contributed their part.

  • String Contribution.address

The Beldex address that funds must come from to fulfill the contribution requirement.

  • Uint64 total_contributed

The total Beldex currently contributed going towards the staking requirement.

  • Uint64 total_reserved

The total Beldex that has been reserved by all contributors. The remaining Beldex is open for other contributors to increase their stake towards the master node.

  • Uint64 portions_for_operator

The operator cut expressed as a value from 0 -> STAKING_PORTIONS (defined in beldex/src/cryptonote_config.h) which is the fee taken from the master node reward and given to the operator address before rewards are distributed to the contributors.

  • Uint64 operator_address

The wallet address which is the primary owner of the master node and also the address which the operator cut is sent to.

Last updated