Wallet RPC Guide


This is a list of the RPC calls, their inputs and outputs, and examples of each. This list is autogenerated and was last generated on: 2019-04-08

Many RPC calls use the JSON RPC interface while others use their own interfaces, as demonstrated below.

Note: "atomic units" refer to the smallest fraction of 1 BELDEX which is 1e9 atomic units.

RPC Methods


Return the wallet's balance.

Endpoints: get_balance, getbalance

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"getbalance",
  "params": {
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "address_indices": [2130706433, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "balance": 123,
  "unlocked_balance": 123,
  "multisig_import_needed": true,
  "per_subaddress": [{
      "address_index": 2130706433,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "balance": 123,
      "unlocked_balance": 123,
      "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "num_unspent_outputs": 123
    }, ...]


  • account_index - uint32: Return balance for this account.

  • address_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) Return balance detail for those subaddresses.


  • balance - uint64: The total balance (atomic units) of the currently opened wallet.

  • unlocked_balance - uint64: Unlocked funds are those funds that are sufficiently deep enough in the beldex blockchain to be considered safe to spend.

  • multisig_import_needed - bool: True if importing multisig data is needed for returning a correct balance.

  • per_subaddress - per_subaddress_info[]: Balance information for each subaddress in an account.

    • address_index - uint32: Index of the subaddress in the account.

    • address - string: Address at this index. Base58 representation of the public keys.

    • balance - uint64: Balance for the subaddress (locked or unlocked).

    • unlocked_balance - uint64: Unlocked funds are those funds that are sufficiently deep enough in the beldex blockchain to be considered safe to spend.

    • label - string: Label for the subaddress.

    • num_unspent_outputs - uint64: Number of unspent outputs available for the subaddress.


Return the wallet's addresses for an account. Optionally filter for specific set of subaddresses.

Endpoints: get_address, getaddress

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"getaddress",
  "params": {
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "address_index": [2130706433, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
  "addresses": [{
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "address_index": 2130706433,
      "used": true
    }, ...]


  • account_index - uint32: Get the wallet addresses for the specified account.

  • address_index - uint32[]: (Optional) List of subaddresses to return from the aforementioned account.


  • address - string: (Deprecated) Remains to be compatible with older RPC format

  • addresses - address_info[]: Addresses informations.

    • address - string: The (sub)address string.

    • label - string: Label of the (sub)address.

    • address_index - uint32: Index of the subaddress

    • used - bool: True if the (sub)address has received funds before.


Get account and address indexes from a specific (sub)address.

Endpoints: get_address_index

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_address_index",
  "params": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:



  • address - string: (Sub)address to look for.


  • index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Account index followed by the subaddress index.


Create a new address for an account. Optionally, label the new address.

Endpoints: create_address

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"create_address",
  "params": {
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
  "address_index": 2130706433


  • account_index - uint32: Create a new subaddress for this account.

  • label - string: (Optional) Label for the new subaddress.


  • address - string: The newly requested address.

  • address_index - uint32: Index of the new address in the requested account index.


Label an address.

Endpoints: label_address

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"label_address",
  "params": {
    "index": ,
    "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor address index

  • label - string: Label for the address.



Get all accounts for a wallet. Optionally filter accounts by tag.

Endpoints: get_accounts

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_accounts",
  "params": {
    "tag": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "total_balance": 123,
  "total_unlocked_balance": 123,
  "subaddress_accounts": [{
      "account_index": 2130706433,
      "base_address": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "balance": 123,
      "unlocked_balance": 123,
      "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "tag": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
    }, ...]


  • tag - string: (Optional) Tag for filtering accounts. All accounts if empty, otherwise those accounts with this tag


  • total_balance - uint64: Total balance of the selected accounts (locked or unlocked).

  • total_unlocked_balance - uint64: Total unlocked balance of the selected accounts.

  • subaddress_accounts - subaddress_account_info[]: Account information.

    • account_index - uint32: Index of the account.

    • base_address - string: The first address of the account (i.e. the primary address).

    • balance - uint64: Balance of the account (locked or unlocked).

    • unlocked_balance - uint64: Unlocked balance for the account.

    • label - string: (Optional) Label of the account.

    • tag - string: (Optional) Tag for filtering accounts.


Create a new account with an optional label.

Endpoints: create_account

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"create_account",
  "params": {
    "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "account_index": 2130706433,
  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk"


  • label - string: (Optional) Label for the account.


  • account_index - uint32: Index of the new account.

  • address - string: The primary address of the new account.


Label an account.

Endpoints: label_account

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"label_account",
  "params": {
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • account_index - uint32: Account index to set the label for.

  • label - string: Label for the account.



Get a list of user-defined account tags.

Endpoints: get_account_tags

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_account_tags"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "account_tags": [{
      "tag": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "label": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "accounts": [2130706433, ...]
    }, ...]



  • account_tags - account_tag_info[]: Account tag information:

    • tag - string: Filter tag.

    • label - string: Label for the tag.

    • accounts - uint32[]: List of tagged account indices.


Apply a filtering tag to a list of accounts.

Endpoints: tag_accounts

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"tag_accounts",
  "params": {
    "tag": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "accounts": [2130706433, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • tag - string: Tag for the accounts.

  • accounts - uint32[]: Tag this list of accounts.



Remove filtering tag from a list of accounts.

Endpoints: untag_accounts

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"untag_accounts",
  "params": {
    "accounts": [2130706433, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • accounts - uint32[]: Remove tag from this list of accounts.



Set description for an account tag.

Endpoints: set_account_tag_description

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"set_account_tag_description",
  "params": {
    "tag": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "description": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • tag - string: Set a description for this tag.

  • description - string: Description for the tag.



Returns the wallet's current block height.

Endpoints: get_height, getheight

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"getheight"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "height": 234767



  • height - uint64: The current wallet's blockchain height. If the wallet has been offline for a long time, it may need to catch up with the daemon.


Send beldex to a number of recipients. To preview the transaction fee, set do_not_relay to true and get_tx_metadata to true.

Submit the response using the data in get_tx_metadata in the RPC call, relay_tx.

Endpoints: transfer

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"transfer",
  "params": {
    "destinations": [, ...],
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "subaddr_indices": [2130706433, ...],
    "priority": 2130706433,
    "mixin": 123,
    "ring_size": 123,
    "unlock_time": 123,
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "get_tx_key": true,
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
  "tx_key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "amount": 123,
  "fee": 123,
  "tx_blob": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "tx_metadata": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of destinations to receive BELDEX.

  • account_index - uint32: (Optional) Transfer from this account index. (Defaults to 0)

  • subaddr_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) Transfer from this set of subaddresses. (Defaults to 0)

  • priority - uint32: Set a priority for the transaction. Accepted Values are: default (1), or 0-3 for: unimportant, normal, elevated, priority.

  • mixin - uint64: (Deprecated) Set to 9. Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with. Beldex mixin statically set to 9.

  • ring_size - uint64: (Deprecated) Set to 10. Sets ringsize to n (mixin + 1). Beldex ring_size is statically set to 10.

  • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks before the beldex can be spent (0 to use the default lock time).

  • payment_id - string: (Optional) Random 64-character hex string to identify a transaction.

  • get_tx_key - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction key after sending.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, the newly created transaction will not be relayed to the beldex network. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: Return the transaction as hex string after sending. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: Return the metadata needed to relay the transaction. (Defaults to false)


  • tx_hash - string: Publically searchable transaction hash.

  • tx_key - string: Transaction key if get_tx_key is true, otherwise, blank string.

  • amount - uint64: Amount transferred for the transaction.

  • fee - uint64: Fee charged for the txn.

  • tx_blob - string: Raw transaction represented as hex string, if get_tx_hex is true.

  • tx_metadata - string: Set of transaction metadata needed to relay this transfer later, if get_tx_metadata is true.

  • multisig_txset - string: Set of multisig transactions in the process of being signed (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Same as transfer, but can split into more than one tx if necessary.

Endpoints: transfer_split

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"transfer_split",
  "params": {
    "destinations": [, ...],
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "subaddr_indices": [2130706433, ...],
    "priority": 2130706433,
    "mixin": 123,
    "ring_size": 123,
    "unlock_time": 123,
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "get_tx_keys": true,
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_key_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "amount_list": [123, ...],
  "fee_list": [123, ...],
  "tx_blob_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_metadata_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of destinations to receive BELDEX:

  • account_index - uint32: (Optional) Transfer from this account index. (Defaults to 0)

  • subaddr_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) Transfer from this set of subaddresses. (Defaults to 0)

  • priority - uint32: Set a priority for the transactions. Accepted Values are: 0-3 for: default, unimportant, normal, elevated, priority.

  • mixin - uint64: (Ignored) Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with. Beldex mixin statically set to 9.

  • ring_size - uint64: (Ignored) Sets ringsize to n (mixin + 1). Beldex ring_size is statically set to 10.

  • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks before the beldex can be spent (0 to not add a lock).

  • payment_id - string: (Optional) Random 32-byte/64-character hex string to identify a transaction.

  • get_tx_keys - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction keys after sending.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, the newly created transaction will not be relayed to the beldex network. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: Return the transactions as hex string after sending.

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: Return list of transaction metadata needed to relay the transfer later.


  • tx_hash_list - string[]: The tx hashes of every transaction.

  • tx_key_list - string[]: The transaction keys for every transaction.

  • amount_list - uint64[]: The amount transferred for every transaction.

  • fee_list - uint64[]: The amount of fees paid for every transaction.

  • tx_blob_list - string[]: The tx as hex string for every transaction.

  • tx_metadata_list - string[]: List of transaction metadata needed to relay the transactions later.

  • multisig_txset - string: The set of signing keys used in a multisig transaction (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Endpoints: describe_transfer

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"describe_transfer",
  "params": {
    "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "desc": [{
      "amount_in": 123,
      "amount_out": 123,
      "ring_size": 2130706433,
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "recipients": [{
          "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
          "amount": 123
        }, ...],
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "change_amount": 123,
      "change_address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "fee": 123,
      "dummy_outputs": 2130706433,
      "extra": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
    }, ...]


  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx returned by "transfer" or "transfer_split" methods.


  • desc - transfer_description[]: List of information of transfers.

    • amount_in - uint64: Amount in, in atomic units.

    • amount_out - uint64: amount out, in atomic units.

    • ring_size - uint32: Ring size of transfer.

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks before the beldex can be spent (0 represents the default network lock time).

    • recipients - recipient[]: List of addresses and amounts.

      • address - string: Destination public address.

      • amount - uint64: Amount in atomic units.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID matching the input parameter.

    • change_amount - uint64: Change received from transaction in atomic units.

    • change_address - string: Address the change was sent to.

    • fee - uint64: Fee of the transaction in atomic units.

    • dummy_outputs - uint32

    • extra - string: Data stored in the tx extra represented in hex.


Sign a transaction created on a read-only wallet (in cold-signing process).

Endpoints: sign_transfer

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"sign_transfer",
  "params": {
    "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "export_raw": true,
    "get_tx_keys": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "signed_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_raw_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_key_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]


  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx returned by "transfer" or "transfer_split" methods.

  • export_raw - bool: (Optional) If true, return the raw transaction data. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_keys - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction keys after sending.


  • signed_txset - string: Set of signed tx to be used for submitting transfer.

  • tx_hash_list - string[]: The tx hashes of every transaction.

  • tx_raw_list - string[]: The tx raw data of every transaction.

  • tx_key_list - string[]: The tx key data of every transaction.


Submit a previously signed transaction on a read-only wallet (in cold-signing process).

Endpoints: submit_transfer

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"submit_transfer",
  "params": {
    "tx_data_hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]


  • tx_data_hex - string: Set of signed tx returned by "sign_transfer".


  • tx_hash_list - string[]: The tx hashes of every transaction.


Send all dust outputs back to the wallet's, to make them easier to spend (and mix).

Endpoints: sweep_dust, sweep_unmixable

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"sweep_unmixable",
  "params": {
    "get_tx_keys": true,
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_key_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "amount_list": [123, ...],
  "fee_list": [123, ...],
  "tx_blob_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_metadata_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • get_tx_keys - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction keys after sending.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, the newly created transaction will not be relayed to the beldex network. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: (Optional) Return the transactions as hex string after sending. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: (Optional) Return list of transaction metadata needed to relay the transfer later. (Defaults to false)


  • tx_hash_list - string[]: The tx hashes of every transaction.

  • tx_key_list - string[]: The transaction keys for every transaction.

  • amount_list - uint64[]: The amount transferred for every transaction.

  • fee_list - uint64[]: The amount of fees paid for every transaction.

  • tx_blob_list - string[]: The tx as hex string for every transaction.

  • tx_metadata_list - string[]: List of transaction metadata needed to relay the transactions later.

  • multisig_txset - string: The set of signing keys used in a multisig transaction (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Send all unlocked balance to an address.

Endpoints: sweep_all

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"sweep_all",
  "params": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "subaddr_indices": [2130706433, ...],
    "priority": 2130706433,
    "mixin": 123,
    "ring_size": 123,
    "outputs": 123,
    "unlock_time": 123,
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "get_tx_keys": true,
    "below_amount": 123,
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_key_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "amount_list": [123, ...],
  "fee_list": [123, ...],
  "tx_blob_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "tx_metadata_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • address - string: Destination public address.

  • account_index - uint32: Sweep transactions from this account.

  • subaddr_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) Sweep from this set of subaddresses in the account.

  • priority - uint32: (Optional) Priority for sending the sweep transfer, partially determines fee.

  • mixin - uint64: (Deprecated) Set to 9. Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with. Beldex mixin statically set to 9.

  • ring_size - uint64: (Deprecated) Set to 10. Sets ringsize to n (mixin + 1). Beldex ring_size is statically set to 10.

  • outputs - uint64

  • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks before the beldex can be spent (0 to not add a lock).

  • payment_id - string: (Optional) 64-character hex string to identify a transaction.

  • get_tx_keys - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction keys after sending.

  • below_amount - uint64: (Optional) Include outputs below this amount.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, do not relay this sweep transfer. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: (Optional) return the transactions as hex encoded string. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: (Optional) return the transaction metadata as a string. (Defaults to false)


  • tx_hash_list - string[]: The tx hashes of every transaction.

  • tx_key_list - string[]: The transaction keys for every transaction.

  • amount_list - uint64[]: The amount transferred for every transaction.

  • fee_list - uint64[]: The amount of fees paid for every transaction.

  • tx_blob_list - string[]: The tx as hex string for every transaction.

  • tx_metadata_list - string[]: List of transaction metadata needed to relay the transactions later.

  • multisig_txset - string: The set of signing keys used in a multisig transaction (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Send all of a specific unlocked output to an address.

Endpoints: sweep_single

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"sweep_single",
  "params": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "priority": 2130706433,
    "mixin": 123,
    "ring_size": 123,
    "outputs": 123,
    "unlock_time": 123,
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "get_tx_key": true,
    "key_image": "8d1bd8181bf7d857bdb281e0153d84cd55a3fcaa57c3e570f4a49f935850b5e3",
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
  "tx_key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "amount": 123,
  "fee": 123,
  "tx_blob": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "tx_metadata": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • address - string: Destination public address.

  • priority - uint32: (Optional) Priority for sending the sweep transfer, partially determines fee.

  • mixin - uint64: (Deprecated) Set to 9. Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with. Beldex mixin statically set to 9.

  • ring_size - uint64: (Deprecated) Set to 10. Sets ringsize to n (mixin + 1). Beldex ring_size is statically set to 10.

  • outputs - uint64

  • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks before the beldex can be spent (0 to not add a lock).

  • payment_id - string: (Optional) 64-character hex string to identify a transaction.

  • get_tx_key - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction keys after sending.

  • key_image - string: Key image of specific output to sweep.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, do not relay this sweep transfer. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: (Optional) return the transactions as hex encoded string. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: (Optional) return the transaction metadata as a string. (Defaults to false)


  • tx_hash - string: The tx hashes of the transaction.

  • tx_key - string: The tx key of the transaction.

  • amount - uint64: The amount transfered in atomic units.

  • fee - uint64: The fee paid in atomic units.

  • tx_blob - string: The tx as hex string.

  • tx_metadata - string: Transaction metadata needed to relay the transaction later.

  • multisig_txset - string: The set of signing keys used in a multisig transaction (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Relay transaction metadata to the daemon

Endpoints: relay_tx

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"relay_tx",
  "params": {
    "hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123"


  • hex - string: Transaction metadata returned from a transfer method with get_tx_metadata set to true.


  • tx_hash - string: String for the publically searchable transaction hash.


Save the wallet file.

Endpoints: store

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"store"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:




Get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id.

Endpoints: get_payments

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_payments",
  "params": {
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "payments": [{
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "amount": 123,
      "block_height": 123,
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk"
    }, ...]


  • payment_id - string: Payment ID used to find the payments (16 characters hex).


  • payments - payment_details[]: List of payment details:

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID matching the input parameter.

    • tx_hash - string: Transaction hash used as the transaction ID.

    • amount - uint64: Amount for this payment.

    • block_height - uint64: Height of the block that first confirmed this payment.

    • unlock_time - uint64: Time (in block height) until this payment is safe to spend.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address receiving the payment.


Get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id,

or a list of payments ids, from a given height.

This method is the preferred method over get_paymentsbecause it

has the same functionality but is more extendable.

Either is fine for looking up transactions by a single payment ID.

Endpoints: get_bulk_payments

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_bulk_payments",
  "params": {
    "payment_ids": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
    "min_block_height": 123
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "payments": [{
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "amount": 123,
      "block_height": 123,
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk"
    }, ...]


  • payment_ids - string[]: Payment IDs used to find the payments (16 characters hex).

  • min_block_height - uint64: The block height at which to start looking for payments.


  • payments - payment_details[]: List of payment details:

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID matching the input parameter.

    • tx_hash - string: Transaction hash used as the transaction ID.

    • amount - uint64: Amount for this payment.

    • block_height - uint64: Height of the block that first confirmed this payment.

    • unlock_time - uint64: Time (in block height) until this payment is safe to spend.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address receiving the payment.


Return a list of incoming transfers to the wallet.

Endpoints: incoming_transfers

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"incoming_transfers",
  "params": {
    "transfer_type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "subaddr_indices": [2130706433, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "transfers": [{
      "amount": 123,
      "spent": true,
      "global_index": 123,
      "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "key_image": "8d1bd8181bf7d857bdb281e0153d84cd55a3fcaa57c3e570f4a49f935850b5e3"
    }, ...]


  • transfer_type - string: "all": all the transfers, "available": only transfers which are not yet spent, OR "unavailable": only transfers which are already spent.

  • account_index - uint32: (Optional) Return transfers for this account. (defaults to 0)

  • subaddr_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) Return transfers sent to these subaddresses.


  • transfers - transfer_details[]: List of information of the transfers details.

    • amount - uint64: Amount of this transfer.

    • spent - bool: Indicates if this transfer has been spent.

    • global_index - uint64: The index into the global list of transactions grouped by amount in the Beldex network.

    • tx_hash - string: Several incoming transfers may share the same hash if they were in the same transaction.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • key_image - string: Key image for the incoming transfer's unspent output (empty unless verbose is true).


Return the spend or view private key.

Endpoints: query_key

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"query_key",
  "params": {
    "key_type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • key_type - string: Which key to retrieve: "mnemonic" - the mnemonic seed (older wallets do not have one) OR "view_key" - the view key


  • key - string: The view key will be hex encoded, while the mnemonic will be a string of words.


Make an integrated address from the wallet address and a payment id.

Endpoints: make_integrated_address

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"make_integrated_address",
  "params": {
    "standard_address": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "integrated_address": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d"


  • standard_address - string: (Optional, defaults to primary address) Destination public address.

  • payment_id - string: (Optional, defaults to a random ID) 16 characters hex encoded.


  • integrated_address - string

  • payment_id - string: Hex encoded.


Retrieve the standard address and payment id corresponding to an integrated address.

Endpoints: split_integrated_address

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"split_integrated_address",
  "params": {
    "integrated_address": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "standard_address": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
  "is_subaddress": true


  • integrated_address - string


  • standard_address - string

  • payment_id - string

  • is_subaddress - bool


Stops the wallet, storing the current state.

Endpoints: stop_wallet

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"stop_wallet"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:




Rescan the blockchain from scratch, losing any information

which can not be recovered from the blockchain itself.

This includes destination addresses, tx secret keys, tx notes, etc.

Warning: This blocks the Wallet RPC executable until rescanning is complete.

Endpoints: rescan_blockchain

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"rescan_blockchain",
  "params": {
    "hard": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • hard - bool



Set arbitrary string notes for transactions.

Endpoints: set_tx_notes

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"set_tx_notes",
  "params": {
    "txids": ["b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123", ...],
    "notes": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • txids - string[]: Transaction ids.

  • notes - string[]: Notes for the transactions.



Get string notes for transactions.

Endpoints: get_tx_notes

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_tx_notes",
  "params": {
    "txids": ["b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123", ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "notes": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]


  • txids - string[]: Transaction ids.


  • notes - string[]: Notes for the transactions.


Set arbitrary attribute.

Endpoints: set_attribute

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"set_attribute",
  "params": {
    "key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "value": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • key - string: Attribute name.

  • value - string: Attribute value.



Get attribute value by name.

Endpoints: get_attribute

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_attribute",
  "params": {
    "key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "value": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • key - string: Attribute name.


  • value - string: Attribute value.


Get transaction secret key from transaction id.

Endpoints: get_tx_key

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_tx_key",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • txid - string: Transaction id.


  • tx_key - string: Transaction secret key.


Check a transaction in the blockchain with its secret key.

Endpoints: check_tx_key

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"check_tx_key",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "tx_key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "received": 123,
  "in_pool": true,
  "confirmations": 123


  • txid - string: Transaction id.

  • tx_key - string: Transaction secret key.

  • address - string: Destination public address of the transaction.


  • received - uint64: Amount of the transaction.

  • in_pool - bool: States if the transaction is still in pool or has been added to a block.

  • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined after the one with the transaction.


Get transaction signature to prove it.

Endpoints: get_tx_proof

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_tx_proof",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "message": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • txid - string: Transaction id.

  • address - string: Destination public address of the transaction.

  • message - string: (Optional) add a message to the signature to further authenticate the prooving process.


  • signature - string: Transaction signature.


Prove a transaction by checking its signature.

Endpoints: check_tx_proof

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"check_tx_proof",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "message": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "good": true,
  "received": 123,
  "in_pool": true,
  "confirmations": 123


  • txid - string: Transaction id.

  • address - string: Destination public address of the transaction.

  • message - string: (Optional) Should be the same message used in get_tx_proof.

  • signature - string: Transaction signature to confirm.


  • good - bool: States if the inputs proves the transaction.

  • received - uint64: Amount of the transaction.

  • in_pool - bool: States if the transaction is still in pool or has been added to a block.

  • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined after the one with the transaction.


Generate a signature to prove a spend. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not requires the destination public address.

Endpoints: get_spend_proof

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_spend_proof",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "message": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • txid - string: Transaction id.

  • message - string: (Optional) add a message to the signature to further authenticate the prooving process.


  • signature - string: Spend signature.


Prove a spend using a signature. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not requires the destination public address.

Endpoints: check_spend_proof

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"check_spend_proof",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "message": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "good": true


  • txid - string: Transaction id.

  • message - string: (Optional) Should be the same message used in get_spend_proof.

  • signature - string: Spend signature to confirm.


  • good - bool: States if the inputs proves the spend.


Generate a signature to prove of an available amount in a wallet.

Endpoints: get_reserve_proof

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_reserve_proof",
  "params": {
    "all": true,
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "amount": 123,
    "message": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • all - bool: Proves all wallet balance to be disposable.

  • account_index - uint32: Specify the account from witch to prove reserve. (ignored if all is set to true)

  • amount - uint64: Amount (in atomic units) to prove the account has for reserve. (ignored if all is set to true)

  • message - string: (Optional) add a message to the signature to further authenticate the prooving process.


  • signature - string: Reserve signature.


Proves a wallet has a disposable reserve using a signature.

Endpoints: check_reserve_proof

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"check_reserve_proof",
  "params": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "message": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "good": true,
  "total": 123,
  "spent": 123


  • address - string: Public address of the wallet.

  • message - string: (Optional) Should be the same message used in get_reserve_proof.

  • signature - string: Reserve signature to confirm.


  • good - bool: States if the inputs proves the reserve.

  • total - uint64

  • spent - uint64


Returns a list of transfers.

Endpoints: get_transfers

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_transfers",
  "params": {
    "in": true,
    "out": true,
    "pending": true,
    "failed": true,
    "pool": true,
    "filter_by_height": true,
    "min_height": 123,
    "max_height": 123,
    "account_index": 2130706433,
    "subaddr_indices": [2130706433, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "in": [{
      "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "height": 234767,
      "timestamp": 123,
      "amount": 123,
      "fee": 123,
      "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "destinations": [, ...],
      "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "double_spend_seen": true,
      "confirmations": 123,
      "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
    }, ...],
  "out": [{
      "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "height": 234767,
      "timestamp": 123,
      "amount": 123,
      "fee": 123,
      "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "destinations": [, ...],
      "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "double_spend_seen": true,
      "confirmations": 123,
      "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
    }, ...],
  "pending": [{
      "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "height": 234767,
      "timestamp": 123,
      "amount": 123,
      "fee": 123,
      "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "destinations": [, ...],
      "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "double_spend_seen": true,
      "confirmations": 123,
      "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
    }, ...],
  "failed": [{
      "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "height": 234767,
      "timestamp": 123,
      "amount": 123,
      "fee": 123,
      "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "destinations": [, ...],
      "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "double_spend_seen": true,
      "confirmations": 123,
      "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
    }, ...],
  "pool": [{
      "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "height": 234767,
      "timestamp": 123,
      "amount": 123,
      "fee": 123,
      "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "destinations": [, ...],
      "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "double_spend_seen": true,
      "confirmations": 123,
      "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
    }, ...]


  • in - bool: (Optional) Include incoming transfers.

  • out - bool: (Optional) Include outgoing transfers.

  • pending - bool: (Optional) Include pending transfers.

  • failed - bool: (Optional) Include failed transfers.

  • pool - bool: (Optional) Include transfers from the daemon's transaction pool.

  • filter_by_height - bool: (Optional) Filter transfers by block height.

  • min_height - uint64: (Optional) Minimum block height to scan for transfers, if filtering by height is enabled.

  • max_height - uint64: (Optional) Maximum block height to scan for transfers, if filtering by height is enabled (defaults to max block height).

  • account_index - uint32: (Optional) Index of the account to query for transfers. (defaults to 0)

  • subaddr_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) List of subaddress indices to query for transfers. (defaults to 0)


  • in - transfer_entry[]

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.

  • out - transfer_entry[]

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.

  • pending - transfer_entry[]

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.

  • failed - transfer_entry[]

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.

  • pool - transfer_entry[]

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.


Show information about a transfer to/from this address.

Endpoints: get_transfer_by_txid

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_transfer_by_txid",
  "params": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "account_index": 2130706433
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "transfer": {
    "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "height": 234767,
    "timestamp": 123,
    "amount": 123,
    "fee": 123,
    "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "destinations": [, ...],
    "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "unlock_time": 123,
    "subaddr_index": ,
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "double_spend_seen": true,
    "confirmations": 123,
    "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
  "transfers": [{
      "txid": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "height": 234767,
      "timestamp": 123,
      "amount": 123,
      "fee": 123,
      "note": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "destinations": [, ...],
      "type": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
      "unlock_time": 123,
      "subaddr_index": ,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "double_spend_seen": true,
      "confirmations": 123,
      "suggested_confirmations_threshold": 123
    }, ...]


  • txid - string: Transaction ID used to find the transfer.

  • account_index - uint32: (Optional) Index of the account to query for the transfer.


  • transfer - transfer_entry

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.

  • transfers - transfer_entry[]

    • txid - string: Transaction ID for this transfer.

    • payment_id - string: Payment ID for this transfer.

    • height - uint64: Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).

    • timestamp - uint64: UNIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).

    • amount - uint64: Amount transferred.

    • fee - uint64: Transaction fee for this transfer.

    • note - string: Note about this transfer.

    • destinations - transfer_destination[]: Array of transfer destinations.

    • type - string: Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool".

    • unlock_time - uint64: Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.

    • subaddr_index - cryptonote::subaddress_index: Major & minor index, account and subaddress index respectively.

    • address - string: Address that transferred the funds.

    • double_spend_seen - bool: True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.

    • confirmations - uint64: Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).

    • suggested_confirmations_threshold - uint64: Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.


Sign a string.

Endpoints: sign

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"sign",
  "params": {
    "data": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • data - string: Anything you need to sign.


  • signature - string: Signature generated against the "data" and the account public address.


Verify a signature on a string.

Endpoints: verify

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"verify",
  "params": {
    "data": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "good": true


  • data - string: What should have been signed.

  • address - string: Public address of the wallet used to sign the data.

  • signature - string: Signature generated by sign method.


  • good - bool


Export all outputs in hex format.

Endpoints: export_outputs

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"export_outputs"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "outputs_data_hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"



  • outputs_data_hex - string: Wallet outputs in hex format.


Import outputs in hex format.

Endpoints: import_outputs

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"import_outputs",
  "params": {
    "outputs_data_hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "num_imported": 123


  • outputs_data_hex - string: Wallet outputs in hex format.


  • num_imported - uint64: Number of outputs imported.


Export a signed set of key images.

Endpoints: export_key_images

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"export_key_images",
  "params": {
    "requested_only": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "offset": 2130706433,
  "signed_key_images": [{
      "key_image": "8d1bd8181bf7d857bdb281e0153d84cd55a3fcaa57c3e570f4a49f935850b5e3",
      "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
    }, ...]


  • requested_only - bool: Default false.


  • offset - uint32

  • signed_key_images - signed_key_image[]

    • key_image - string

    • signature - string


Import signed key images list and verify their spent status.

Endpoints: import_key_images

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"import_key_images",
  "params": {
    "offset": 2130706433,
    "signed_key_images": [{
        "key_image": "8d1bd8181bf7d857bdb281e0153d84cd55a3fcaa57c3e570f4a49f935850b5e3",
        "signature": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
      }, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "height": 234767,
  "spent": 123,
  "unspent": 123


  • offset - uint32

  • signed_key_images - signed_key_image[]

    • key_image - string: Key image of specific output

    • signature - string: Transaction signature.


  • height - uint64

  • spent - uint64: Amount (in atomic units) spent from those key images.

  • unspent - uint64: Amount (in atomic units) still available from those key images.


Create a payment URI using the official URI spec.

Endpoints: make_uri

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"make_uri"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "uri": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"



  • uri - string: This contains all the payment input information as a properly formatted payment URI.


Parse a payment URI to get payment information.

Endpoints: parse_uri

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"parse_uri",
  "params": {
    "uri": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "uri": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "amount": 123,
    "tx_description": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "recipient_name": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
  "unknown_parameters": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]


  • uri - string: This contains all the payment input information as a properly formatted payment URI.


  • uri - uri_spec: JSON object containing payment information:

    • address - string: Wallet address.

    • payment_id - string: (Optional) 16 or 64 character hexadecimal payment id.

    • amount - uint64: (Optional) the integer amount to receive, in atomic units.

    • tx_description - string: (Optional) Description of the reason for the tx.

    • recipient_name - string: (Optional) name of the payment recipient.

  • unknown_parameters - string[]


Add an entry to the address book.

Endpoints: add_address_book

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"add_address_book",
  "params": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
    "description": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "index": 123


  • address - string: Public address of the entry.

  • payment_id - string: (Optional), defaults to "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".

  • description - string: (Optional), defaults to "".


  • index - uint64: The index of the address book entry.


Retrieves entries from the address book.

Endpoints: get_address_book

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_address_book",
  "params": {
    "entries": [123, ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "entries": [{
      "index": 123,
      "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
      "payment_id": "f378710e54eeeb8d",
      "description": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
    }, ...]


  • entries - uint64[]: Indices of the requested address book entries.


  • entries - entry[]: List of address book entries information.

    • index - uint64: Index of entry.

    • address - string: Public address of the entry

    • payment_id - string: (Optional) 64-character hex string to identify a transaction.

    • description - string: Description of this address entry.


Delete an entry from the address book.

Endpoints: delete_address_book

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"delete_address_book",
  "params": {
    "index": 123
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • index - uint64: The index of the address book entry.



Rescan the blockchain for spent outputs.

Endpoints: rescan_spent

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"rescan_spent"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:




Refresh a wallet after openning.

Endpoints: refresh

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"refresh",
  "params": {
    "start_height": 123
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "blocks_fetched": 123,
  "received_money": true


  • start_height - uint64: (Optional) The block height from which to start refreshing.


  • blocks_fetched - uint64: Number of new blocks scanned.

  • received_money - bool: States if transactions to the wallet have been found in the blocks.


Start mining in the beldex daemon.

Endpoints: start_mining

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"start_mining",
  "params": {
    "threads_count": 123,
    "do_background_mining": true,
    "ignore_battery": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • threads_count - uint64: Number of threads created for mining.

  • do_background_mining - bool: Allow to start the miner in smart mining mode.

  • ignore_battery - bool: Ignore battery status (for smart mining only).



Stop mining in the beldex daemon.

Endpoints: stop_mining

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"stop_mining"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:




Get a list of available languages for your wallet's seed.

Endpoints: get_languages

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_languages"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "languages": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]



  • languages - string[]: List of available languages.


Create a new wallet. You need to have set the argument "'–wallet-dir" when launching beldex-wallet-rpc to make this work.

Endpoints: create_wallet

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"create_wallet",
  "params": {
    "filename": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "language": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • filename - string: Set the wallet file name.

  • password - string: (Optional) Set the password to protect the wallet.

  • language - string: Language for your wallets' seed.



Open a wallet. You need to have set the argument "–-wallet-dir" when launching beldex-wallet-rpc to make this work.

The wallet rpc executable may only open wallet files within the same directory as wallet-dir, otherwise use the

"--wallet-file" flag to open specific wallets.

Endpoints: open_wallet

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"open_wallet",
  "params": {
    "filename": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • filename - string: Wallet name stored in "–-wallet-dir".

  • password - string: (Optional) only needed if the wallet has a password defined.



Close the currently opened wallet, after trying to save it.

Endpoints: close_wallet

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"close_wallet"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:




Change a wallet password.

Endpoints: change_wallet_password

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"change_wallet_password",
  "params": {
    "old_password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "new_password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:


  • old_password - string: (Optional) Current wallet password, if defined.

  • new_password - string: (Optional) New wallet password, if not blank.



Endpoints: restore_deterministic_wallet

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"restore_deterministic_wallet",
  "params": {
    "restore_height": 123,
    "filename": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "seed": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "seed_offset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "language": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
  "seed": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "info": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "was_deprecated": true


  • restore_height - uint64: Height in which to start scanning the blockchain for transactions into and out of this Wallet.

  • filename - string: Set the name of the Wallet.

  • seed - string: Mnemonic seed of wallet (25 words).

  • seed_offset - string

  • password - string: Set password for Wallet.

  • language - string: Set language for the wallet.


  • address - string: Public address of wallet.

  • seed - string: Seed of wallet.

  • info - string: Wallet information.

  • was_deprecated - bool


Check if a wallet is a multisig one.

Endpoints: is_multisig

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"is_multisig"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "multisig": true,
  "ready": true,
  "threshold": 2130706433,
  "total": 2130706433



  • multisig - bool: States if the wallet is multisig.

  • ready - bool

  • threshold - uint32: Amount of signature needed to sign a transfer.

  • total - uint32: Total amount of signature in the multisig wallet.


Prepare a wallet for multisig by generating a multisig string to share with peers.

Endpoints: prepare_multisig

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"prepare_multisig"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "multisig_info": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"



  • multisig_info - string: Multisig string to share with peers to create the multisig wallet.


Make a wallet multisig by importing peers multisig string.

Endpoints: make_multisig

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"make_multisig",
  "params": {
    "multisig_info": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...],
    "threshold": 2130706433,
    "password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
  "multisig_info": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • multisig_info - string[]: List of multisig string from peers.

  • threshold - uint32: Amount of signatures needed to sign a transfer. Must be less or equal than the amount of signature in multisig_info.

  • password - string: Wallet password.


  • address - string: Multisig wallet address.

  • multisig_info - string: Multisig string to share with peers to create the multisig wallet (extra step for N-1/N wallets).


Export multisig info for other participants.

Endpoints: export_multisig_info

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"export_multisig_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "info": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"



  • info - string: Multisig info in hex format for other participants.


Import multisig info from other participants.

Endpoints: import_multisig_info

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"import_multisig_info",
  "params": {
    "info": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "n_outputs": 123


  • info - string[]: List of multisig info in hex format from other participants.


  • n_outputs - uint64: Number of outputs signed with those multisig info.


Turn this wallet into a multisig wallet, extra step for N-1/N wallets.

Endpoints: finalize_multisig

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"finalize_multisig",
  "params": {
    "password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "multisig_info": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk"


  • password - string: Wallet password.

  • multisig_info - string[]: List of multisig string from peers.


  • address - string: Multisig wallet address.


Endpoints: exchange_multisig_keys

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"exchange_multisig_keys",
  "params": {
    "password": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "multisig_info": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
  "multisig_info": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • password - string: Wallet password.

  • multisig_info - string[]: List of multisig string from peers.


  • address - string: Multisig wallet address.

  • multisig_info - string: Multisig string to share with peers to create the multisig wallet.


Sign a transaction in multisig.

Endpoints: sign_multisig

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"sign_multisig",
  "params": {
    "tx_data_hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_data_hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]


  • tx_data_hex - string: Multisig transaction in hex format, as returned by transfer under multisig_txset.


  • tx_data_hex - string: Multisig transaction in hex format.

  • tx_hash_list - string[]: List of transaction Hash.


Submit a signed multisig transaction.

Endpoints: submit_multisig

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"submit_multisig",
  "params": {
    "tx_data_hex": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash_list": ["TODO(beldex): Write example string", ...]


  • tx_data_hex - string: Multisig transaction in hex format, as returned by sign_multisig under tx_data_hex.


  • tx_hash_list - string[]: List of transaction hash.


Get RPC version Major & Minor integer-format, where Major is the first 16 bits and Minor the last 16 bits.

Endpoints: get_version

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"get_version"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "version": 2130706433



  • version - uint32: RPC version, formatted with Major * 2^16 + Minor(Major encoded over the first 16 bits, and Minor over the last 16 bits).


Stake for Master Node.

Endpoints: stake

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"stake",
  "params": {
    "destination": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "amount": 123,
    "subaddr_indices": [2130706433, ...],
    "master_node_key": "4a8c30cea9e729b06c91132295cce32d2a8e6e5bcf7b74a998e2ee1b3ed590b3",
    "priority": 2130706433,
    "get_tx_key": true,
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
  "tx_key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "amount": 123,
  "fee": 123,
  "tx_blob": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "tx_metadata": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • destination - string: Primary Public address that the rewards will go to.

  • amount - uint64: Amount of Beldex to stake in atomic units.

  • subaddr_indices - uint32[]: (Optional) Transfer from this set of subaddresses. (Defaults to 0)

  • master_node_key - string: Master Node Public Address.

  • priority - uint32: Set a priority for the transaction. Accepted Values are: 0-3 for: default, unimportant, normal, elevated, priority.

  • get_tx_key - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction key after sending.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, the newly created transaction will not be relayed to the beldex network. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: Return the transaction as hex string after sending (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: Return the metadata needed to relay the transaction. (Defaults to false)


  • tx_hash - string: Publically searchable transaction hash.

  • tx_key - string: Transaction key if get_tx_key is true, otherwise, blank string.

  • amount - uint64: Amount transferred for the transaction in atomic units.

  • fee - uint64: Value in atomic units of the fee charged for the tx.

  • tx_blob - string: Raw transaction represented as hex string, if get_tx_hex is true.

  • tx_metadata - string: Set of transaction metadata needed to relay this transfer later, if get_tx_metadata is true.

  • multisig_txset - string: Set of multisig transactions in the process of being signed (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Register Master Node.

Endpoints: register_master_node

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"register_master_node",
  "params": {
    "register_master_node_str": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
    "get_tx_key": true,
    "do_not_relay": true,
    "get_tx_hex": true,
    "get_tx_metadata": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "tx_hash": "b605cab7e3b9fe1f6d322e3167cd26e1e61c764afa9d733233ef716787786123",
  "tx_key": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "amount": 123,
  "fee": 123,
  "tx_blob": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "tx_metadata": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "multisig_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string",
  "unsigned_txset": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • register_master_node_str - string: String supplied by the prepare_registration command.

  • get_tx_key - bool: (Optional) Return the transaction key after sending.

  • do_not_relay - bool: (Optional) If true, the newly created transaction will not be relayed to the beldex network. (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_hex - bool: Return the transaction as hex string after sending (Defaults to false)

  • get_tx_metadata - bool: Return the metadata needed to relay the transaction. (Defaults to false)


  • tx_hash - string: Publically searchable transaction hash.

  • tx_key - string: Transaction key if get_tx_key is true, otherwise, blank string.

  • amount - uint64: Amount transferred for the transaction in atomic units.

  • fee - uint64: Value in atomic units of the fee charged for the tx.

  • tx_blob - string: Raw transaction represented as hex string, if get_tx_hex is true.

  • tx_metadata - string: Set of transaction metadata needed to relay this transfer later, if get_tx_metadata is true.

  • multisig_txset - string: Set of multisig transactions in the process of being signed (empty for non-multisig).

  • unsigned_txset - string: Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.


Request to unlock stake by deregistering Master Node.

Endpoints: request_stake_unlock

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"request_stake_unlock",
  "params": {
    "master_node_key": "4a8c30cea9e729b06c91132295cce32d2a8e6e5bcf7b74a998e2ee1b3ed590b3"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "unlocked": true,
  "msg": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • master_node_key - string: Master Node Public Key.


  • unlocked - bool: States if stake has been unlocked.

  • msg - string: Information on the unlocking process.


Check if Master Node can unlock it's stake.

Endpoints: can_request_stake_unlock

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"can_request_stake_unlock",
  "params": {
    "master_node_key": "4a8c30cea9e729b06c91132295cce32d2a8e6e5bcf7b74a998e2ee1b3ed590b3"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "can_unlock": true,
  "msg": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • master_node_key - string: Master node public address.


  • can_unlock - bool: States if the stake can be locked.

  • msg - string: Information on the unlocking process.


Parse an address to validate if it's a valid Beldex address.

Endpoints: validate_address

Example Request:

curl -X POST -d '
  "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"validate_address",
  "params": {
    "address": "8KJf3nRQ53NTX1YLjtHryjegFRa3ZCEGLKmRxUfvkBWK19UteEacVpYqpYscSJ2q8WRuHPFdk7Q5W8pQB7Py5kvUs8vKSk",
    "any_net_type": true,
    "allow_openalias": true
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response:

  "valid": true,
  "integrated": true,
  "subaddress": true,
  "nettype": "MAINNET",
  "openalias_address": "TODO(beldex): Write example string"


  • address - string: Address to check.

  • any_net_type - bool

  • allow_openalias - bool


  • valid - bool: States if it is a valid Beldex address.

  • integrated - bool: States if it is an integrated address.

  • subaddress - bool: States if it is a subaddress.

  • nettype - string: States if the nettype is mainet, testnet, stagenet.

  • openalias_address - string

Last updated